I am sorry to say that I just ignore them all. I am not going to waste my time voting every person who sends me a message.
I don't see the point in spending my whole day broadcasting and sending messages for something that I have the slimmest chance of ever winning.
I myself am proud to say that I haven't sent a single message to people asking them to vote me.. yet.
I mean, I am not saying I don't want it but I guess I don't want to go to so much work doing something only to be let down.
What do you all think. Should I run? I think I might but it may just be a waste of time. Decisions.
I can't believe this received no comments! Of course this one is months after the fact but I couldn't have agreed with you more. I don't think I have ever seen so much spam or so many fake 5/5's until MSW. This was my first year for it and I'm glad now that I survived it and will know what to expect next year! I ended up boycotting after awhile to be honest. I did throw a vote out every now and then but I was very picky. Can't really say what I would have told you about running. I have kind of a picky voting philosophy even just for CG. If a person is creative, talented (or even shows promise) and seems to be an honestly nice human being (I read presentations) they get my vote :)